Stunning Mandala Laurel!! I'm always so captivated by the detail/color and work that goes into these projects. 😍
Tiffany Hansen
Flower Mound, TX, United States
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May 29 at 08:43 AM
Hi Laura! Ok, so I think the same thing started happening to me. Honestly, All I care about is that you start your row with a chain 2, your 3 and 3 post stitches line up, and that you end with a Dc stitch in the last stitch space. If all of this is happening and the sides of your rows are staying straight then you've got it!! Not exactly sure what the deal was with the stitch count with this Basketweave stitch but I'm grateful that the pattern makes it hard to mess up. 😊😊 Please let me know how it goes moving forward.