Tanya DeCosta

Replied on WIPs

Mar 27 at 08:36 PM

Thank you. 

Replied on WIPs

Mar 27 at 08:34 PM

Thank you


Mar 26 at 10:10 PM

1 / 3
2 / 3
3 / 3

I am currently working on a blanket for my 2 month old grandson, a sweater for myself and the temperature blanket for my son.  The sweater is the first garment I have ever made and the first thing I have made for myself.  I am using the weather from the year my son was born for the temperature blanket.  I did not realize how similar the colors were until I took these pictures.


Commented on February Done!

Mar 26 at 09:44 PM

Pretty colors

Commented on Homework WIP pics

Mar 26 at 09:43 PM

They are all very pretty!


Commented on post was deleted

Mar 24 at 02:43 PM

Those are so pretty. Congratulations ladies!

Commented on post was deleted

Mar 18 at 04:31 PM

I think we should go very simple for April so #1 gets my vote. However I really like #2 and #3 so I look forward to the months we get to use those.

Mar 09 at 09:15 AM

Thank you Mary

Replied on When Did You Know?

Mar 06 at 04:20 PM

I taught my mother and my daughter how to make granny squares. I started each square, my daughter made the next 2 rounds, I made the next round and my mother made the final round. I then sewed the squares together. He now has a blanket made with love by his mother, grandmother and great grand mother. That was the beginning of all 3 of us becoming hooked on crochet. I crochet as much as possible and i am currently working on my first sweater along with the temp blanket. My mom watches youtube crochet videos all day and has even tried Tunisian recently. My daughter is contemplating starting a crochet business. We are all hooked.

Commented on When Did You Know?

Mar 06 at 04:15 PM

When I was young my grand mother attempted to teach me to crochet and knit. I preferred crochet but lost interest quickly and only made a small blanket for my doll. Then when my kids were in elementary school I bought a book and taught myself to crochet. That was about 20  or 25 years ago. Over the next 2 years I became obsessed and crocheted a throw blanket for each of my 3 kids and several baby blankets for family and friends. I then started working 2 jobs and eventually went back to school to finish my batchelors degree, get a masters degree and get my CPA license. During that time I was so busy I couldn't find the time to crochet. Then 3 years ago when my daughter was pregnant with my 1st I knew I wanted to make something special for him.