Hello Everyone! A lot of you have been worried about and inquiring about Ko's condition. As most of you know, she was in the hospital for 4 days with pancreatitis prior to the retreat and is back in again now for the last 3 days. I was worried they did not resolve her issue before the retreat, and I was half right...the pancreatits was still present, as was the closed bile duct. But this time they did a procedure called ERCP and ended up doing a sphincterotomy with stent (in the bile duct). They also did some testing they did not do the first stay and discovered she has C Diff a contagious bacterial infection, and it appears that all of these conditions together were what was causing her so much pain, and in turn dehydration and fatigue. She was under quarantine due to the C Diff, so I haven't seen her for the last 36 hours, but she has told me they are finally letting her have fluids by mouth and even gave her soft foods this morning! Most of her issues are finally resolving, but her erythrocites are low. She will be staying at least one more night. She and I and our family are grateful and thankful for your concerns and prayers!!!
Mary Quezada
San Antonio, TX, United States
Aug 11 at 11:43 AM
May 06 at 12:26 PM

I’ve been keeping busy ladies! Sharing some photos of some recent makes…..Warm up America blanket for Veterans, little purse (project for a friend, need to make 4 more), and uramki veggie roll (not crochet, I know, but still a “make” and still learning!🤣)
Jul 26 at 07:08 PM

CONGRATULATIONS FARIDA PEÑA!!! Please email your address to me at gabalot62@gmail.com with "I'm the winner!" in the subject line. (Farida was the closest without going over. The total number of items in the bowl was 185)
Jun 28 at 08:44 PM

Thanks for participating everyone!
Hi Everyone! As promised in the Crafter’s Gathering…..I will send 4 of these Caron Big Cakes to the person who can guess how many I have (without going over). If there are multiple guesses (of the correct amount) I will figure out a way to draw the winner from them. All guesses must be in the chat here by July 11 so we can announce the winner at the July 12 Crafter’s Gathering.
May 24 at 07:53 PM

Hi All! Here’s a pic of the the toddler pants I made that was shared in the Crafter’s Gathering. I am not a pattern writer….but I did record my process if anyone would like to have it. (The size I made was 2T)
May 03 at 10:39 AM

Made Tiffany’s Scrappy Bag! What a quick and easy pattern. My Bestie loves it!