March 09

My apologies for having to end our Coffee & Crochet Meetup short.  Here's what happened.

My daughter had signaled for me that there was an emergency.  Which is why I excused myself from the meeting.  She told me she was on the phone with her dad, that he cried out in pain and then was unresponsive.  I was still processing this information when I re-entered the meeting knowing I had to go.  

Everything it ok.  Jon apparently tweaked his back and then passed out.  Which is why he was not responding.  When he came too only moments later, he had to crawl to his phone to get back in touch with us.  He went to the doctor and got muscle relaxers and is now on couch/bed-rest.  

I want to thank you all so much for your love and understanding as I had to unexpectedly leave our scheduled meetup.  All is good.  I'll reschedule our Saturday Coffee & Crochet for next Saturday!  I hope you all have a beautiful week!  See you soon. 💖