February 24

Let's Do Something Special For A Fellow Member:

Sandra Palmer is struggling right now with person issues.  I thought it would mean a lot to her if the Crochet Club sent her a care package.  I was going to order her flowers and send her a box of thoughtful items.  

If you would love to be a part of this, I think it would mean a lot to Sandra.  You can be a part of this care package by:

  1.  Sending me something you hand-made.

  2.  Ship me a Gift Card you think would help Sandra through this.

  3. Send me money through Paypal I can put towards the Bouquet of Flowers, shipping of care package, or an item you would like me to include in the care package.  You can let me know specifically what you would like the money to go towards if you have something in mind.

My Paypal link is my email:  info@crochetwithTiffany.com

This is completely voluntary! I figured that those of us who know Sandra know she considers our Crochet Club her family and lifeline.  That a package from us would mean a lot.

I plan to ship her care package next Monday, March 3rd.

My shipping address is: 

Crochet With Tiffany

P.O. Box 271508

Flower Mound, TX 75027-1508

You can also send Sandra something directly!  Her contact info is in our Community Contact Information Sheet. 💖