January 07

Hi Everyone!  I hope you are all doing well!  I wanted to reach out to you to see if you would be willing to help me with a topic I am making a video on right now.  The video is about How Crochet Can Help With Depression.  I know this is a highly sensitive and personal topic but I really feel that if this pertains to you your story might really help someone.  If you are willing to share but want to stay anonymous I completely understand and respect that.  You can email me at info@crochetwithTiffany.com to share your story and I will keep your name private.  I feel like this topic could do a lot of good and wanted to reach out to my amazing community here for help.  Love you all and I hope that if you have experienced depression that crochet is actively helping you through it and that you are taking steps to help your mental health. 💖💖💖