Sandra Palmer

Chesterfield, VA, United States

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Mar 07 at 12:18 PM

I'm really going to try and get my old tablet out and make it work.

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Mar 07 at 12:15 PM

Row 2 is the repeat row for the complete stitch throughout the month. RIGHT!!!??

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Mar 07 at 12:12 PM

Jodi: how did you put your picture on the site. I am not very tech savvy anymore.

Mar 06 at 08:53 PM

I'm looking for something I can do that will not scare me to death. I know I can do it and have the yarn but but can't push myself to make that first stich. I have played with stitches where you do some skip some and go back to the skipped ones but even though I can do it with a tutorial I can't seem to find something I could make with it. Then gear up and do it.

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Mar 06 at 08:45 PM

Jade is blowing up my blanket. Temp is crazy strange.

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Mar 04 at 10:44 AM

Tiffany Hansen I have been sending to your email

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Mar 04 at 10:40 AM

Jodi C how did you get your picture on this site?

Mar 04 at 10:38 AM

That is so cool. I'm excited to see what you make.


Commented on When Did You Know?

Mar 04 at 10:37 AM

I loved it when my grandmother taught me how to crochet but I was young and I did everything but crochet then one day when I was older I bought a cheap book have no idea where I got it from and from there you know I loved it I learned all the stitches and it only had a few patterns in there I have to go buy a pattern I have to see it and I did them mainly the granny square baby long sleeve sweater with the hood. I picked it up again before Christmas we were making gifts this year no purchased just you had to make your gifts and I got stuck got hooked I was there I'm not very good but I enjoy three of y'all that I learned more and more from all the time. I am speaking into the phone due to my sodium being low makes my vision blurrier and if this doesn't make sense I am so sorry. Thank you. 


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Mar 02 at 04:25 PM

My blanket is looking Jade a lot. We have one day 40s next day 70s. I take the timp. of the day I'm not working and avg. with the day I do work and use that total. I have it all on a calendar I have received in the mail. Ready for my color to change (using higher temp.)