Tiffany Hansen

Flower Mound, TX, United States

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May 08 at 05:20 PM

Hi Sandra!  Can you share this with me Wednesday so I can see if it's a tension issue?  Are you on count with your stitches?

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May 02 at 06:37 AM

I am so happy that you are having so much fun making the temperature blanket Jackie!!! Your blanket is looking great!!!  🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️🧶🧶

Commented on Robe

May 02 at 06:35 AM

Hi Sandra,  I think the video you could reference is the Campfire Cardigan.  I would recommend you use a different yarn than I did in the tutorial as that yarn was not a consistent weight and left the cardigan with a lot of open holes.  I would recommend any other regular size 4 weight yarn that you think is pretty.  😊❤️🧶


May 02 at 06:28 AM



Commented on Soap Sack Campaign

May 02 at 06:28 AM

Thank you so much for making soap sacks and supporting our campaign Darlene!


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Apr 14 at 09:53 PM

Hi Sandra!  Hmm, I'm wondering if the big difference is because your foundation row was too tight and so the stitches are expanding to fit.  I would recommend you start with a larger hook to make your foundation row and then switch to a normal size crochet hook to make your rows.

OR you could try working with a Foundationless Sc row.  This could be a game changer for you.  😊❤️🧶

Apr 14 at 09:40 PM

Yep!  That is correct Racene.  100% acrylic or Cotton blend/ polyester or any yarn that is super easy to throw in the washer and dryer.  😊❤️🧶

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Apr 14 at 09:37 PM

I think I fixed the issue with posting pictures on here.  Try again to see if you can get your pictures up on this forum!  Would love to see them here.  😊❤️🧶

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Apr 14 at 09:35 PM

Hi Michaela!  Sorry about that.  I did change that back to a chain 2 and revised the pattern.  I forgot to change that chain 3 from the original pattern.  I didn't care for look of the chain 3 and changed it.

Thanks for asking for clarification!  😊❤️🧶

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Apr 14 at 09:32 PM

Thank you so much Mary!  I am all about quick/easy/and yummy!!  😋